Saturday, March 25, 2023

March 25

I am totally exhausted after this day. So much got accomplished today. We had people over. The backyard was cleaned up. The pig pen was cleaned up, the cow area was cleaned up. The front flower bed was weeded. Jeb’s nose was doctored. Bill was given his antibiotic. That’s a lot of stuff done in one day. I’m sun burned and tired. It was worth it. 

I got up early and fed the animals. The horses were so beautiful in the morning sun. 

Jelly stuck around most of the day. He sure was cute looking like he was babysitting the other cats for a while. 

Jasper had been hanging out in the unfinished pen. I found that hilarious for some odd reason. 

It was a warm one outside. The goats and sheep were laying around most of the afternoon. 

The dust has been horrible lately and it showed with the sheep’s wool. 

Ronnie went out and bushed Takua today. He seemed to enjoy that. 

I found a new spot of eggs today. Go figure. These chickens are something. 

One of the chickens was tired of Sonny and fly up to the top of the coop. She was lucky Yeller was not up there today. 

Onyx was cute napping in the tree this evening. 

Today was a good working day. 
Word of the day is working hard. Proverbs 16:3

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