Thursday, March 16, 2023

March 16

Another dust storm blew in today along with a cold front. The wind has been strong. It’s hard to do what needs to be done when the wind tries to blow you over. 

I went out to feed and water and get it done as quick as possible being it’s exhausting. I’m already exhausted since this has been the never ending week. 
The wind was so strong when I got home it was blowing things around. It blew a doghouse into some fencing and that caused the horses to startle and run around. They all ended up in the barn until I brought out the feed. 

Most of the animals were trying to hide from the wind. They all ate and then were trying to stay out of the dust and in their shelters. I’m grateful for that. 

I did get to see the donkeys walking around in a united front which I have not seen lately, so that’s reassuring. 

There is some green grass growing in the pastures. I’m not sure how, but it’s there. 

Onyx and Yeller were huddled up in the shop today as the temperature dropped almost forty degrees in a couple hours time. 

I went to check and make sure Jelly came home tonight since I had not seen him. He did make it home, but as I was walking outside, something else caught my attention. I saw the fence chickens still roosting but I did not see Rojo, the rooster of the group. I wondered where he was. As I opened the shop door to look for Jelly, there was Rojo, roosting in the shop. I have never seen him away from his hens, but I wondered when they would get smarter about where they roost. 

Word of the day is circumstances. Philippians 2:2

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