Friday, March 3, 2023

March 3

Last night I had put the worming meds on the cats like I was supposed to and I was concerned about Persia. She seemed to be the only one having some kind of reaction. She was foaming at the mouth and looked miserable. This morning she was still doing it but she was up and around. I had been concerned about her all day. She was fine where I got home from work and then right before it was time for bed she started it again and then ran behind a freezer and hid. Ronnie and I got her out of there and I washed the medicine off her. I could not handle watching that anymore. 

Tomorrow is Mattie’s first birthday. It’s hard to imagine that he has been with us a year already. He is a bundle of joy some days and a terror other days. He is loved though. Now it’s time to castrate him and get him in the other pasture. I think he will thrive over there with more room in that pasture. He will like it. I do get concerned thinking about the goats over there. Mattie is a little aggressive with smaller animals. I will save that for another day. 

I spent some time with Tinkerbelle this evening. She is having some difficulty with getting around but she is doing the best she can. It’s not all the time but he joints seems to be stiff more often. I wonder if that’s because she is a fainting goat and they are bred for their muscles to stiffen up. Regardless, I petted and loved on her until she decided she wanted to eat my clothes. 

The outside cats were in the pen with Tinkerbelle and Cinderella tonight. Tinkerbelle was not amused but Cinderella seems to be okay with it. 

There is never a dull moment around here but today was calmer than it normally is. 
Word of the day is calm. Psalm 16:8

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