Wednesday, March 8, 2023

March 8

What is this coming from the sky?? Today it was raining. Not too heavy, but it was still rain. We need it so badly out here. It’s a good thing. We need more than what we got but a little is better than none. 

Sonny was caught messing with the wrong rooster’s hens. Rojo chased Sonny all over the pasture. 

We are feeding the donkeys and cows differently. The cows go in the pen and the donkeys get a fleck of coastal hay. After Cracker Jack’s passing, we decided we need to stop feeding grain at all to the donkeys. It’s important to take care of them and that’s what we are going to do. The donkeys in the pasture do not get any extra feed and they are very healthy. 

The pigs have started a mud hole. It had been hot for days and they needed a mud hole. It stinks so badly though. I hate it but I know they have to have it. 

Jelly was in the backyard with the dogs tonight. He acted like he was not scared at all, until Bella started going toward him. He fled the backyard quickly. 

Jelly likes following me in the backyard. He follows me and then meows and rolls over for belly rubs. He is so cute. 

The eggs, so many eggs, we are getting about a dozen a day now. That’s amazing. 
Oh Spam, she did not like me for so long, but now she rolls over for belly rubs whenever she sees me. It’s progress for sure. She was not a fan of the cold tonight so she ate and went back under the shelter. She is a smart girl. 

The donkeys were loving the cooler weather. They were running all over the place. 

The horses have finally come to an agreement. They were all eating hay from the hay bale at once. This is more progress. 

Good things are happening here around the farm and I am grateful for it. 
Word of the day is grateful. Psalm 118:24

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