Tuesday, March 7, 2023

March 7

Today is the full moon. I was expecting some craziness on the farm. I did not get the craziness I thought I would. I usually do get the craziness. I hate to say this but I normally do get the craziness. 

Maggie has been getting around better this week. She has not be falling as much and she seems like she is feeling better. 

All the cats were home when I got home. That does not happen often either, but it did today. 

The animals were all on their best behavior. I’m in shock really.

The cows do make me laugh. The pen where they eat is not locked. They could walk out at any point but they just stand there and moo at me until I let them out. 

I guess life is unexpected sometimes but that could be for the best. 

Word of the day is unexpected. Ephesians 3:20

I take it all back. 
I went to let the dogs out and things are crazy. Daisy and Bella did not want to listen and were running around in areas they aren’t supposed to. Daisy was chasing Yeller into a tree. Rojo was not on the roost he normally is and Mattie was yelling at me. 

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