Wednesday, March 1, 2023

March 1

I cannot believe March is already here. Time is flying by. Things are different around here with the passing of Cracker Jack. I’m so sad being out on the farm and not hearing him braying at me. I know it was his time to go or he would still be here. I’m grateful for the two days I spent with him after being at the vet. If I’m being honest, I was shocked he came home. That’s how sick he was. I’m grateful for those two days. 

I was still helping my friend out on her farm today. It’s nice to spend some time with other animals. She has some nice animals also. 

Today is National pig day. I’m grateful for all my pigs. There are still 9 of them and they are full of personality. 

Ronnie was able to start working animals. We are going to get them all done by this weekend. 

We have changed the way we are feeding Noma and Mattie to make sure they are healthy. Cracker Jack has both of us a little paranoid. 

I got a call about some people coming out to volunteer this weekend. I’m excited about that. 
Yeller has been climbing like crazy. I think he is learning bad habits from Athena. 

The chickens are up to hiding eggs again, but I found them again. 

I finished writing the next devotional book. That’s such a great accomplishment. I’m also working on a book about Cracker Jack so everyone will know how amazing he was. 
The kids have been worried about me, they have called and texted. They know how sad I am. I appreciated that. 
The sky was gorgeous tonight. I do love that about West Texas.

Life goes on. We have to remember the good times when we lose someone. People have been kind and helpful to me during this hard time. 

Word of the day is helping. Galatians 6:2

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