Friday, March 10, 2023

March 10

Today was just a normal day. Nothing too exciting or out of normal. 

We did have some whole kernel corn we were trying to feed to the chickens. They ate some of it but left a lot on the ground. They do not really care for that. I get it. That’s not what they are used to. We will get them what they like from now on. 

Sonny was up in the rafters crowing away. It’s really loud in the shop when he does that. He actually scared me a bit since I did not know he was up there. 

The pig mud hole already stinks badly and it’s not even summer yet. 

It’s definitely spring. I’m seeing butterflies flying around now. 

I’m so exhausted tonight. I fed and watered and came inside. I was too tired to do anything else. I’m just busy every single day. 

Word of the day is busy. Daniel 12:4

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