Saturday, March 18, 2023

March 18

It’s been cold today and I’m not feeling so great, so I stayed inside most of the day. I did go out and doctor Jeb’s nose. Most of the animals were laying down throughout the day since it was cold out. Ursula snuggled with me for a long time. She is so sweet. 

Jeb’s nose was certainly draining some nasty looking stuff today. I put more peroxide on it and I hope that is helping him. He does not act like he is hurting. He is still eating and acting normal, so that’s good. He might need an antibiotic though. I think we may have some in the powder form. At least hopefully we do. 

The donkeys were visiting Suzie Q and Ursula today. I always think that is cute. 

Elvira and Thelma broke off from the group and were in the donkey and goat barn today. It looked like they might stay there. I do wonder why they were not with Rojo though. I do not usually see them without him. 

Pedro looks like he has mange from him and Red fighting. I know he doesn’t and it really is from fighting. I wish they would stop that nonsense. 

The horses were hanging out in the barn today. I am glad they are happy here. 

Maggie was able to hang out in the sun today. I like seeing her in the sun. She seems to enjoy that. 

Yeller was also hanging out in the sun. He was warm to the touch from being in the sun. At least he was warm. 

I saw what looked like to me a hoof print in the clouds today. That’s was an exciting sight for me. It then turned into a heart. 

Word of the day is excitement. Romans 15:13

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