Friday, March 17, 2023

March 17

Happy St. Patrick’s Day. It’s the day we all wear green. That’s about as far as it got around here. Ronnie and I have both had a rough week. I wanted so badly to come home early and be able to relax today. That did not happen. 

I did get off work a little later than normal. I got home and started feeding. The wind has died down today so it was not so bad. 
The chickens have started finding new places to lay eggs. I just never know where they are going to lay an egg. I did find 16 today. That’s a lot of eggs in one day. I would not have found them if I had not seen one of the chickens up on top of the pile of hay. 

The cows were loving today. Well, that or that we’re asking me where their food was and to hurry it up. Either way, they are cute. 

Noma and Mattie were happy to get their food. Noma even let me pet on her. That always makes me happy. 

I gave the animals more hay this evening since it’s supposed to be cold tonight and in the morning. They seemed to be grateful for that. 

Sonny has been staying away from the other roosters. He is staying in the shop with the four hens who live there. Sonny does not want to fight like the other roosters have been fighting. 

I noticed Jeb had a big wound on his nose. I have no idea how it happened and I had not noticed that before this evening. When Ronnie got home, he was looking at it and he said it was not there this morning. It looks pretty bad. Ronnie put some peroxide on it. His nose is super swollen, but he was eating and drinking fine. He does not seem too bothered by it, but I am bothered by it. 

As we were doctoring Jeb’s nose, we noticed he also had barbed wire stuck in his tail. We were able to cut that out also. He is such a good natured horse. 
Ronnie thinks the other horses have kicked him out of the herd since his surgery. I think he is still recovering from surgery and things will be fine. He was eating in the group this evening, so I really do think they will be fine. 

Spots started acting funny around the same time as all the rest was going on. She was pawing at the ground and then started to lay down but then did not lay down. She did this several times. She then finally did lay down and rolled around a few times. Ronnie went out to the pasture to check on her and she got back up and was fine. 

That was a stressful evening. They all seemed good when we went inside. Jeb will have to be doctored for a while. His nose does not look good. If it’s not better in a few days, he will have to go to the vet. 

Suzie Q and Edith seem fine. They were running around the coop and seemed happy again. 

I gave the pigs some hay tonight and they loved it. They always do. I sure do love those pigs. I thought I would feed them extra also because it was going to get colder. 

The cats are funny outside. Onyx and Athena stick together and Yeller and Jelly stick together. Yeller and Jelly hide in the crate together to stay warm. Those two are smart. 

What a day. It has been something. Hopefully Jeb heals up quickly. 

Word of the day is paying attention. Hebrews 2:1

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