Monday, March 6, 2023

March 6

It was already 50 degrees when I went to work. It got up to 90 degrees today. It’s only March and it was 90 degrees today. If we do not get some rain we are going to be in for another hot summer. We need rain. 
The sky was beautiful this evening. The time is about to change and it’s staying lighter longer. I like that. I hate feeding in the dark. 

As I was in the shop getting feed for some animals, one of my chickens, Ernestine got scared and was flying somewhere in the shop. She dropped out of my sight and did not come out where she should have. I started searching and I found her caught between some heavy stuff. She was face down and couldn’t move. Chickens are brutal. Some of the other hens came over and just started pecking here. I had to get them away from her more than once while I figured out how to get here out of there. She looked and sounds pitiful. I was able to move one piece of the heavy stuff and she was able to run out. I was so glad she was okay. 

For some reason buckwheat was making all kinds of weird noises tonight but he seemed fine. Him and Waldo were fighting over something. They are a hoot to watch. 

I may have figured out why Yeller has been on top of the chicken coop. There is a bird’s nest in the gutter so I think he is watching that and ready to attack. Or he is getting away from the other cats. It could be either of those things. 

Onyx is a butterfly killer. He was chasing one tonight but he missed. 

I found a rooster spur on the ground tonight. Those things could be terrifying. 

You just never know what is going to go on around here. It’s entertaining. 

Word of the day is entertaining. Psalm 126:2-3

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