Sunday, March 19, 2023

March 19

I had to do so much in the house today. I’m glad it was still cool outside so I did not feel bad about it. I accomplished all of what I had to do. That made me feel accomplished. 

I was able to doctor Jeb’s noise a couple times today. We did have some antibiotics in the barn so I started giving Jeb those this evening. Hopefully his nose will heal up soon. His swelling has gone down and his wound does look better. I wish I knew how he got it. 

The chickens were really something today. I went looking for eggs. I found 5 in an area I had never seen them lay. I also found an egg that did not look like a chicken egg. 

I found Elvira in the donkey barn. She has been staying in there more lately. She looks skinny and her feathers on her back are gone, so she is probably hiding out. I was able to pick her up and cuddle her, but she hated it. She ran off after that. 

Gloria somehow got stuck in the backyard with two roosters chasing her. I had to get the water hose after them. Once they left her alone, I went to go help her since she could not get out of the backyard for some unknown reason. She made some horrible noises. I took her back to her normal spot. 

Rojo seems to have left his whole crew. I’m not sure what is going on there, but most of his hens were with Sonny today which makes no sense to me. He was roosting with them on the fence this evening so who knows. 

Jelly came home earlier tonight and it seemed all the cats were happy to see him. 

The cows were right on my heels as I was taking their feed down. I finally turned and told Jasper to go on. I feel like I was fixing to get a horn in my leg as close as he was to me. He backed off. 

I noticed Ted’s tail today and it looks good. Unless you knew he had an injury, you would not even notice. 

Things were going fine today. 
Word of the day is cooperation. Amos 3:3

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