Saturday, March 4, 2023

March 4

Today is Mattie’s first birthday. It has been a whirlwind for sure. I cannot believe it had been a year. A little back story, I really thought Noma was pregnant last year. She showed all the signs, but no one agreed with me. A year ago today Ronnie got me up out of bed and told me to go look out the window. There stood a baby donkey right there with Noma. All I could say was I knew it. He has been such a joy. He has been a brat also. He is spoiled and I know that is my fault. He is socialized and loves people. He is a mess. We needed him and did not know it. 

Y’all know I have been struggling this week in a bad way. I know to some it might sound silly that I’m this upset over a donkey, but he was an important part of our farm. I had a call Tuesday of this week with some people wanting to come volunteer. I was struggling badly when I talked to her, but I knew I could not say no. I agreed and we set up a time for today. I needed them to come out. I needed to remember what we are doing here. They helped me greatly with being here today. We washed out all the water troughs and cleaned out a pen. They got to love on the animals which is always fun to see. I’m grateful they came out today. 

Spring is in the air. There are flowers blooming and bugs everywhere. 

All the animals are starting to shed their hair. Saverine stood by the fence and just get hair off her today. I hope that was a bonding moment for us. 

I think the cats all ran off with Jelly today. I did not see any of them until Jelly came back and they all looked so guilty. At least they are home. 

Pedro and Red are still fighting like crazy. I wish they would stop that nonsense. I thought getting them both fixed would help that, but it has not helped. They are bringing blood these days. Pedro looks like he has mange on his face because of all the wounds. They are being ridiculous. 

I’m not sure what is going on with Yeller, but he has a new spot and I think he is hunting something. He is staying on top of the chicken coop and the barn. It’s odd to see him up there. 

This morning was rough on me knowing I needed to get up and around. I knew I had stuff to do but I just felt so drained, mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted. Ursula just came over and snuggled up to me. She is such a sweet little cat. I needed that. 

Life takes us all down some paths we do not want to go down, but it’s part of life and it molds us into who we are. We need to show compassion to others when life hands us something we do not want to face. 
Word of the day is compassion. Matthew 9:36-38

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