Monday, March 13, 2023

March 13

Have you ever just had one of those days that is not good?? I know we all have. It’s just part of life. Today was one of those days for me. Nothing went right. I was beyond stressed all day and I do not like to be like that. I had a lot going on today so of course it would go wrong. 

I finally got home. I had some kids out here doing community service. Luckily Ronnie was home, so he was able to get them started on cleaning stuff out and doing stuff around the farm. I was glad for that. 

Then I had a friend of mine who I have not seen in a long time and she wanted to come out with her kids. She also brought her brother and his kids. My day did get better while people were here. 
The community service kids did a great job. I also worked with them on getting acquainted with the animals so they could do more and not be nervous. One of them said she had a bad day today also and the animals helped to calm her down. Jeb wanted their attention. Exactly!! That’s what I’m trying to accomplish. 
My friend was able to pet a cow today. She was excited. I also love to see how kids interact with animals. Takua really stood out. He saw kids and came right to the fence. Saverine did also but Takua wanted all the attention. Gus and Darla came to the fence, of course. The sheep wanted attention. And as always, Tinkerbelle wanted attention. They all got the attention they were looking for. 

It was a nice evening. The temperature got colder, but it was nice. 
Word of the day is compassion. Exodus 33:19

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