Tuesday, March 14, 2023

March 14

This time change is really throwing me off. I know it will get better. I love that the sun sets later. That’s the best part. 

I got home and Maggie was running around. I started brushing her some to get some of her hair off of her. She was over that pretty quickly. I look back and the cats are rolling around in her hair. All I could do was laugh. 

I then go to feed Edith and Suzie Q, my coop chickens, and the door is locked but no chickens. I then see a hole and know they have gotten out. I found them in the barn. They took one look at me a ran. They were not going back. I let them run for a while. Ronnie fixed the hole. After he did that, Edith saw me and ran back in, but not Suzie Q. 

I went a head and fed the animals while Ronnie watered. Once we were finished, it was time to get Suzie Q back in. It took a while, but I caught her, cuddled her and put her back in the coop. She also pooped on me in the process.

These girls are in the coop for protection. They are two favorites on the farm and the roosters will not leave them alone. So, we protect them. Those two are good friends and they have plenty of food, water, and shelter. Normally they are happy in there. Not today apparently.

There is never a dull moment around here. All the other animals are doing fine. 

Word of the day is protection. 2 Thessalonians 3:3

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