Thursday, March 9, 2023

March 9

Ronnie came in saying he saw a yellow cat out by the pig pen. He said he thought it was Yeller until he looked down and saw Yeller at his feet. I bet it’s Yeller’s mom or dad. I saw the same cat months ago at a neighbor’s house. The life of a stray. 

When I got home, I saw Onyx walking back toward the house from being across the street. I’m guessing Jelly taught them about going across the street. I wonder how long it will be that they keep coming home. It’s a depressing thought. 

As I went a little further, I saw all the cats were home. Now I will be concerned about them more since they have learned Jelly’s routine. I do not love it but am glad when he makes it back home. I just remember the three that did not make it home. 

Yeller continues to climb the chicken coop to get on top of it. Tonight he looked like he was just watching everything going on. 

The pigs have expanded their mud hole and it stinks so bad. I wish they would move it but it’s in the same spot every year. 

Mattie and Noma seem good with their new feeding routine. That’s good. 

The cows do not fight their new routine either anymore. They know they get fed in the pen and then let out after that. Since they know that, they willingly go in the pen. 

Mattie looks like he has grown overnight. He seemed so much bigger to me today than he had yesterday. 

Once Mattie got up next to Takua I decided maybe he was not that big. Takua is a massive horse though, so it may be that. 

The dogs seemed to enjoy the weather this evening. It was cooler out. They like that much better than how hot it can get here. 

Bubba loves Ronnie so much. He follows him and wants to be by him all the time now. I do not know how much longer we have with Bubba so we will enjoy it while we can. 

It was another beautiful evening out here tonight. 

Word of the day is concern. Proverbs 21:13

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