Sunday, March 26, 2023

March 26

I was working on a couple more books today, so I stayed in most of the day. That is how I rest. I have finished a few already this year. I may be working on my last one for the year. It is going to take a bit to finish. I’m excited though. I do hope one day one of these books will do well. I enjoy writing them. I need to advertise more. 

Jeb’s nose is looking better. He may not have to go to the vet after all. My friend Laura was here yesterday and she mentioned a drawing salve to put on the wound. Most of the swelling is gone. He looks better. 

Bill is looking better and better. I saw him running around like he normally does today. He is almost back to normal. Ronnie was nervous to give him more antibiotics today since he acted a little weird after his shot yesterday. He just slumped down yesterday and it scared us both. 

Noma is doing as well as expected. She looks like she is getting close to due. Mattie will probably go to the pen this week just in case she goes sooner than we thought she would. The cows won’t bother her or the baby, but I think Mattie would. He can be a brat. 

Tinkerbelle looked different today, like her sides were going in. I gave her more feed. I think she is fine and my brain is overreacting right now. I’m not sure when that overreacting thing will stop, but it’s not stopping today. 

Yeller has found him a hole in the hay and he has been hiding out. He is so cute. I will let him hide wherever he wants to. He will stay warm and hidden in there. 

Edith and Suzie Q seem happy these days. They had stopped laying eggs for a while, but they have started laying almost every day. I’m glad they are happy. 

A couple of weeks ago, Saverine came to the fence and stood as close as she could to me. I started petting her and getting the hair off of her. Apparently she enjoyed that. She repeated the process today. I had a tool today to help get more of her winter hair off her. She seems to like me after that.

I got to see the goats and donkeys close to the fence today. It makes me happy they are so comfortable here. Sometimes I just wonder what they have had to go through, but I’m probably better off not knowing. 

Today was another good day. I’m grateful for that. We have had one thing free another lately and we needed a break. 
Word of the day is enjoyment. Ecclesiastes 5:19

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