Thursday, March 2, 2023

March 2

I am ready for this week to be over. It has not been the best week. I’m mentally exhausted. I know tomorrow is Friday and I’m excited about that. I need to sleep. 

There was a cold front coming in today. We got about 5 minutes of rain and that about it. However, the dust and wind storm that came next was a bit insane. It said the wind was only going 25 miles an hour but I think it was so much harder. It was bad. I was exhausted having to feed and water during all that. The animals did not much enjoy it either. That all would have rather stayed in their warm shelters. I hurried as fast as I could through the whole thing. 

We have started feeding the cows and donkeys separately and differently. The cows are now going into a pen to eat. That probably will not last long. Alex gave me a hard time with even going in there today. We will see what happens with that. 

The pigs refused to come out until I was in the pen with their food. They do not much like the wind or the cold. 

The donkeys in the pasture might have enjoyed the cooler weather and were chasing each other like crazy. The goats over there just wanted out of the way. I do like watching them when they look so carefree and happy. 

I have been having difficulty with worms badly with the inside cats and have no idea how or why. When Ronnie was at the vet last week, he picked up some prescription meds for them all. I gave the meds tonight. Persia somehow licked some of it off her and started foaming at the mouth. I had a small freak out moment about it as I’m chasing her around the house trying to clean her up. Oreo and Bubba did not make the same mistake. Ursula made the mistake but did not get sick. Hopefully they will be okay. I’m truly paranoid right now about it all. 

I have no cried as much today so that’s a good thing. I have started writing my tribute to Cracker Jack and I think that is helping. He served his purpose on this earth and even though it hurts, I know he had a good life. 

Word of the day is purpose. Jeremiah 29:11

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