Saturday, March 11, 2023

March 11

It was a nice warm and sunny day today. That’s always good. If it could stay that way and not get super hot, that would be great. It’s West Texas though, so I know that won’t happen. 

This morning was quite chaotic. I’m not sure what was happening. I looked outside and saw Leroy and Rojo (roosters) chasing each other. When I went outside a little bit later, they had been in a big fight. They both looked bad and were hiding from each other. Rojo never leaves his hens, but he did this morning. They did make it through the day. 

I went on about my business of feeding. Ronnie was out helping do some chores and things also. As we were finishing up with the feeding, I look out and see Leroy and Fred fighting. I have seen them fight multiple times. 

As I was watching, not sure what to do, I saw Mattie walking over to them. He kept getting closer. I was thinking, what is he doing. All of a sudden, he walked up in between them stomping and kicking at them. I’m surprised he did not kill one of them, but they were both fine. He even chased Fred away from Leroy. Mattie must have been tired of the fighting. Good for him. He stopped the bullying for a bit. I was proud of him. 

This afternoon not much was going on. The roosters were all staying away from each other and they were all hiding. 

Hercules was acting out this evening. Those goats are so funny. For some reason he was challenging the other two goats. None of them were really fighting, they were just playing around. 

The donkeys in that pasture came close to the fence to say hello and then went back out into the pasture. When it’s nice weather they do not usually stay in one place. 

Noma and Mattie are still doing well with their new food routine. I have been trying to call the farrier, he was supposed to be here two weeks ago for Noma and he has not showed up yet. I would like to get Noma’s hooves trimmed again before she has this next baby. It’s getting closer. She is round now but has not bagged up yet. I’m so glad this will be her last. 

The cows are doing well with their new routine also. They have been less food aggressive also, so I say that is a win. 

The horses are all doing well. Chief has calmed down quite a bit with the food issue. I am grateful for that. All five of them seem to be getting along well. 

Maggie and Pepper usually come inside after they eat, even on the weekends, but I let them stay out most of the day. I thought it would be good for them. Poor Maggie went under the deck to get out of the sun and I didn’t think she was going to be able to get out. She did but it took her a while. I let them come back in after that. 

The pigs were all happy to see me tonight. Several of them followed me from one end of the pen to the other. They had already eaten, so I knew it was not food related. 

I’m so ready to move Spam, Gus, and Treat. Hopefully soon we can get that pen finished and get it done. 

I have been working on a book most of the day. I have it written, now I’m working on editing and typing. Hopefully it will be finished soon. 

Word of the day is kindness. Proverbs 11:17

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