Tuesday, March 28, 2023

March 28

It was supposed to be a warm day today but it stayed cooler than the weather was predicted. It was not too cold though, so that was good. 

Jeb is still looking better and Bill is acting better. That’s helpful. I’m glad they are both healing up. 

Mattie is breaking my heart. He is not handling not being close to his momma. I know it has to be hard since they have never been apart. It is necessary though. Noma is getting close to having her baby and she needs the rest. She is laying down more. I feel bad for her. She is getting bigger and I know she cannot be comfortable. 

The cows do not eat in the pen now since Noma is in there, so they are following me for food. They are also staying close to the pen almost like they are protecting Noma. 

Mattie is also staying close to the pen. He would not even eat since he was not with Noma. I feel so bad for him. 

As I was feeding the pigs, Brutus decided to go between my legs to eat. Luckily I had good balance in that moment. I sure do love that little pig. He knows it, too. 

Our apple trees are showing some life. That excites me. 

Jelly acts like the big brother around here. He is a special cat. The other cats look up to him. 

Word of the day is life. John 14:6

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