Wednesday, February 28, 2024


The morning started off with Jeb laying down. I mean, it’s Monday, right? Why change things up? 

Athena just walked through the chickens like it was nothing today. That’s brave. 

Ned came to see me today. He is such a pretty donkey. 

Noma let me part her again today since I had food. That was the only reason though. 

So, I did the second round of wormer for the cats today, so let’s just say the cats are all mad at me. They should get over it quickly. 

Mattie gave me the funniest pouting face today. He is still such a mess. 

Jelly was mad enough at me to go hide not so well in the goat pen. I know he will forgive me eventually. Yeller was in the pen also. 

It was a pretty evening this evening. 

Willow was antagonizing the pigs again. Go figure. 

Porky was playing with a devil’s horn plant. He was really having fun with that. 

Jasper and Alex were being good friends tonight. Those two are pretty inseparable. 

Monday, February 26, 2024


All the horses were standing in line waiting on the mineral. Jeb seems to be hogging it all. It’s ridiculous. 

The donkeys were interested in Maggie. It was quite the scene to see. Maggie was oblivious. 

Oden the rooster has taken over Fred’s hens. I have no idea how any of that came about, but it did. 

Alex was laying literally in a hole this afternoon. I had to laugh about that. He looked so funny in the hole. He was able to get up and had no difficulty. 

Jeb was so interested in the mineral bucket, he had to be called to dinner. He reluctantly came over to eat. 

Jelly was pretending to be King tonight it looked like. He was up on the fence post just watching everything. 

Onyx was chasing some gophers tonight. She is funny. 

Ronnie and I cleaned out pig pens tonight. When I was finished in the pen I was cleaning, I did some scratching on Gus with the rake. He loves it. And then of course I had to lay down with him and take photos. 

It was really a pretty evening. 

The little goats, well 2 out of 3, let me pet them. That does not happen too often. 

Athena was hanging out on the tree branches. She was watching all around her. She is always checking things out. 

Melody got out of the shop and it looked like she could not get back in there. She did stay close to the shop though so as soon as those doors opened, she could get back in there. 

Thursday, February 22, 2024


Today was beautiful. The wind was not too bad and the temperature was in the 70s. I wish it would stay that way all the time. 
I watched the horses this morning. Saverine is standing by herself every morning lately. I hope it’s because she is not a morning person. I think it might be because Jeb is torturing her with his rowdy playing. 

I know the full moon is coming. All the animals were sharing their food. It’s weird. Spots ran off to eat with Chief. I’m surprised he even allowed that. The donkeys were eating with the chickens. Tinkerbelle and Cinderella were eating together when they have their own bowls. Like what in the world? Were they being nice or is it because of the full moon? 

Jeb let me pet him while he was eating and was not bothered by it at all. 

Mattie was being a little rowdy. He is so cute though. 

Noma was enjoying the hay and Willow was wanting to get some attention. 

It was a good day. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


I got home this evening and it was 87 degrees outside. Good grief if this keeps up, this summer is going to be beyond terrible. It was also windy. I saw the donkeys out in the pasture grazing away. 

Snowflake was back in the crate and truth be told, I don’t think she has left in days. I was concerned about her, so through the pecking and squawking I got her out of the crate. She stood up on my arm and yelled at me. My arm looks like she was definitely mad at me. And when I put her down, she went after me a bit. Then she went back into the crate. That is entertainment at its finest. 

The cats were all home tonight. 

The moon was pretty tonight. It’s looking a little full, but is not full yet. 

My fainting goats are really enjoying their life. They are such pretty girls. 

Onyx was having herself a fun evening. She was sitting in the grill with the dogs underneath the grill. She sure makes me laugh. 

Jeb sure was sweaty tonight. I am concerned about the heat this summer if he is already sweaty like that. 

Bill the sheep ran around with a chicken on his back for what seemed like a long time. It makes me laugh. 

Jelly is not mad at me anymore, so that’s a plus. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


I had a really long day at work. Ronnie was almost finished feeding. I did not have much to help with. He had just put out a new hay bale for the donkeys and cows. They were grateful. 

I was able to get Athena wormed, so all the cats have been wormed. Athena is not a cuddly cat and normally does not want attention at all, but she did not give me any problems at all. 

Since I didn’t have much to do, so I got to give Mattie and Willow some attention and they were playing. They are so fun. I love them so much.