Monday, February 26, 2024


All the horses were standing in line waiting on the mineral. Jeb seems to be hogging it all. It’s ridiculous. 

The donkeys were interested in Maggie. It was quite the scene to see. Maggie was oblivious. 

Oden the rooster has taken over Fred’s hens. I have no idea how any of that came about, but it did. 

Alex was laying literally in a hole this afternoon. I had to laugh about that. He looked so funny in the hole. He was able to get up and had no difficulty. 

Jeb was so interested in the mineral bucket, he had to be called to dinner. He reluctantly came over to eat. 

Jelly was pretending to be King tonight it looked like. He was up on the fence post just watching everything. 

Onyx was chasing some gophers tonight. She is funny. 

Ronnie and I cleaned out pig pens tonight. When I was finished in the pen I was cleaning, I did some scratching on Gus with the rake. He loves it. And then of course I had to lay down with him and take photos. 

It was really a pretty evening. 

The little goats, well 2 out of 3, let me pet them. That does not happen too often. 

Athena was hanging out on the tree branches. She was watching all around her. She is always checking things out. 

Melody got out of the shop and it looked like she could not get back in there. She did stay close to the shop though so as soon as those doors opened, she could get back in there. 

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