Monday, February 19, 2024


Ursula was cracking me up this morning. She was looking at herself in the mirror. She didn’t know what to think. 

Bubba was cute sitting up on the back of the couch. I don’t know how much longer he will be here, so I’m soaking it all in.

Maggie is still doing better. Pepper is not. I had to clean Pepper up again and at this moment, I am not sure is she ate something she should not have or she is becoming incontient of her bowels. She does have a tumor on her side that is getting bigger. I just don’t know. I don’t want her to suffer. Her little personality is starting to change also and I know that is not a good thing. 

Snowflake is broody. I am able to get the eggs out from under her. She is not happy about it, but she is staying put. She won’t leave the crate. She might be hiding. Who knows. 

Yeller let me love on him. He is such a precious cat. He is so cuddly and loving. He has come a long way since he showed up here. 

I went to feed the chickens in the pasture and they normally are up by the barn. Today they were far away. I have not seen them that far out in a while. 

Onyx was funny today sticking her paw in the crack of the door trying to play with Yeller. Or she was asking for help to get in the shop. 

All the cats were home and eating. Snowflake did not get upset they were so close. They did not bother her and she did not bother them. 

Noma let me get close, but did not want me to pet her. She just wanted her food. 

Willow just wanted my attention and was trying to get me to turn around and give her that attention. I did. 

Jelly is still mad at me. I feel bad he is still mad about me trying to help him. 

Mattie is getting so big. He is such a mess. He is so loved here though. 

Noma and Willow allow May the chicken to eat with them. She might be the only one Willow will allow to eat with them every day. 

The dogs were relaxing in the 80 degree weather. I cannot believe it is 80 degrees already. Summer is going to be brutal…again. 

The little goats were relaxing in the sunshine. They seemed tired and just wanted to relax. Porky was so tired he stayed laying down to eat. I found that funny. 

Athena is one brave cat. She was just hanging out in the pig pen while Gus watched her. I don’t think the pigs would hurt her, but she is so much smaller than they are. 

The horses were on their best behavior tonight. That is rare these days. Jeb keeps things keyed up. 

I decided to worm the other cats. Onyx was not happy about it. I had already done Jelly and he ran out of the shop when he saw the bottle. Yeller for some reason loved the meds and was licking it off the bottle. I have never seen a cat do that and do not remember him doing that before. Regardless, it was comical. 

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