Sunday, February 18, 2024


Chloe the chicken cracks me up. She knows she is welcome over with the horses and she stays over there most of the day with them. 

Rojo has a big flock and he does his job well with them. He does protect them as he should. 

Maggie is still doing better. That’s amazing in itself. 

Jelly is still mad at me. He will get over it. 

The sheep are still cute. They are already shedding their hair. I’m afraid this summer is going to be rough. 

Those sheep get so excited about their food that I got whipped a couple of times with a tail and those things hurt. 

The cats were all home tonight. 

Athena was hanging out with the sheep some today and then with the chickens. 

I had to go back out into the pasture to get the trough again for these horses. I am still a little leery of them at times because they are so big, but I’m learning to be brave. They aren’t going to hurt me. I know that. 

The cows ended up getting some of Mattie’s hay tonight. 

Chief took a page out of Jeb’s book and started slinging his food out of the bowl. They are ridiculous with that. 

It’s cloudy out tonight. I know there is a cold front coming in. 

The goats always want something they can’t have. Waldo was stretched way out to get some hay on the ground when he still had a bunch in the pen. 

The dogs wanted in the house so bad, but the weather wasn’t bad and they needed some outside time for a few hours. They came in a little while later. They were fine regardless of what they thought. 

Ronnie put out a new hay bale and the horses were appreciative of the new bale. 

Chief and Jeb were happy hanging out together tonight. Well, let’s say mostly happy. 

It was a beautiful evening and I got to pet sweet Pete. 

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