Thursday, February 15, 2024


It was still a little cold today, but not as bad as yesterday. I was glad it was warmer. The cold here will cut right through you with the wind that never stop. 
Maggie did not eat this morning because the roosters ran her off of her food. That’s ridiculous. Poor Maggie does not want to fight them over her food. I don’t blame her. 

I came home and Porky was trying to scratch an itch on his head that he could not reach. He was using some wood to scratch his head. He is cute. 

Jelly got in a fight or something happened to him. He has a chunk of skin missing on his face. I was able to hold him while Ronnie sprayed his face. He was not happy with us and ran off to hide. 

Mattie was just chilling and enjoying life in his pen. I have no idea what to do with him, leave him with Noma and Willow or put him in the pasture. Both scenarios make me nervous. 

The roosters were terrifying the hens. One hen flew up to the top of some fencing in distress. I felt so bad for her. I hate it so much, but a couple of the roosters had to go to help the hens not be so stressed. I hate this part, but it was necessary. Not only were those roosters terrorizing the hens, they were stealing the dog’s food and making the dogs uncomfortable. 

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