Wednesday, February 21, 2024


I got home this evening and it was 87 degrees outside. Good grief if this keeps up, this summer is going to be beyond terrible. It was also windy. I saw the donkeys out in the pasture grazing away. 

Snowflake was back in the crate and truth be told, I don’t think she has left in days. I was concerned about her, so through the pecking and squawking I got her out of the crate. She stood up on my arm and yelled at me. My arm looks like she was definitely mad at me. And when I put her down, she went after me a bit. Then she went back into the crate. That is entertainment at its finest. 

The cats were all home tonight. 

The moon was pretty tonight. It’s looking a little full, but is not full yet. 

My fainting goats are really enjoying their life. They are such pretty girls. 

Onyx was having herself a fun evening. She was sitting in the grill with the dogs underneath the grill. She sure makes me laugh. 

Jeb sure was sweaty tonight. I am concerned about the heat this summer if he is already sweaty like that. 

Bill the sheep ran around with a chicken on his back for what seemed like a long time. It makes me laugh. 

Jelly is not mad at me anymore, so that’s a plus. 

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