Thursday, February 1, 2024


Chief was being such a jerk. Or that’s what I think might be the possibility. Chief was the only one in the middle of the hay and everyone else was standing around watching him. 

Lester is still eating with the pasture chickens. He at least gets to eat. That’s all I care about. 

Chief must have gotten over whatever was wrong because I looked over later and they were all eating together. 

Willow is still upset Noma is in with the sheep. She just stands there and watches. Noma is fine with it. 

I knew Noma was not getting enough to eat, so I coaxed her out of the pen. She was not happy and Willow immediately tried to start nursing. Noma kicked her away and was biting at Willow to get her away from her. 

Willow and Noma did calm down after awhile. 

The horses sure were standing nicely by the fence waiting for food. At least they were not fighting. 

The cows also were eating nicely and not fighting. 

The chickens started walking like they were in the mob going to the roost. That was a little scary. 

Yeller let me love on him. That cat is a survivor. I do not know how he got here, but I’m glad he got here. 

Sonny found himself in the shop. He was guarding Melody. At least, that is what it looked like. 

Athena was walking the fence like she was in the circus. 

The pigs are all doing well. 

Noma and Willow were enjoying the green grass coming up. 

The sheep were sad about Noma being out of the pen and they looked like they were pouting. 

I gave Maggie a little extra love tonight. 

Persia is still not feeling too well. She seems better but not by much. 

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