Thursday, February 22, 2024


Today was beautiful. The wind was not too bad and the temperature was in the 70s. I wish it would stay that way all the time. 
I watched the horses this morning. Saverine is standing by herself every morning lately. I hope it’s because she is not a morning person. I think it might be because Jeb is torturing her with his rowdy playing. 

I know the full moon is coming. All the animals were sharing their food. It’s weird. Spots ran off to eat with Chief. I’m surprised he even allowed that. The donkeys were eating with the chickens. Tinkerbelle and Cinderella were eating together when they have their own bowls. Like what in the world? Were they being nice or is it because of the full moon? 

Jeb let me pet him while he was eating and was not bothered by it at all. 

Mattie was being a little rowdy. He is so cute though. 

Noma was enjoying the hay and Willow was wanting to get some attention. 

It was a good day. 

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