Thursday, February 1, 2024


Saverine seems a little lonely these days. She is starting to be by herself more. It’s not all the time, but it’s more than it has been. She seems okay, just wants to be alone or lonely. I’m not sure which is accurate. 

I found a new pile of eggs. I’m not sure why that surprises me, but it does. 

Tinkerbelle got so excited to get her food, she was seizing up in a faint but did not fall over. 

I attempted to let Noma out today, but she did not want to come out. The only reason I was going to go ahead and let her out so I knew she had enough to eat. The sheep swallow their food whole and Noma eats slow. She did not want out so I hand fed her. 

Yeller wanted to sit on the egg pile I had just found, so I made sure to pick them up. I do not need a cat hatching eggs. 

Ronnie put out a new hay bale for the horses. They were happy about that. 

Ronnie threw a bunch of hay to the sheep and Noma to make sure she got more to eat. 

I tried to give Jasper attention, but he is holding a grudge and refused. Alex let me give him attention though. 

Willow let me give her attention today, too. 

A chicken settled down on Noma’s back tonight. It just makes me laugh. 

Waldo gave me a good photobomb while I was taking pictures of Noma and the chicken. I laughed so hard at him. 

Cinderella’s personality is really coming out. It’s such a sweet little personality she is showing. 

Bella wanted to come inside really badly. These dogs live in the house, so when it’s nice outside, they can be outside for a little while. This girl was begging. I still didn’t let her in. I looked outside a little while later and her and Daisy were playing in the back yard. She was fine. She is just spoiled like everyone else. 

Athena was up on one of the shelters again. I think she just likes heights. 

It was another beautiful evening even though there is a windmill in my way of taking photos. I will get over that at some point. 

I watched the donkeys coming in from the pasture when the sun was setting. They do it every night. 

Jelly followed me all over the place to get some attention. I promise he gets more attention than he thinks he does. He is also spoiled like the rest of them. Who would have thought? 

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