Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Well, we had some company come out to see the farm and the animals. Spots decided that was a good time to lay down in the middle of the hay. It looks like something is wrong with them when they do that. She was fine though. 

Our company was here to talk about a possibility of a work day and then another event. It is so heartwarming when someone genuinely wants to help. 

Onyx and Athena were playing around everywhere today. 

Bubba and Persia were cuddled together today. 

The chickens decided to take shelter with Cinderella and Tinkerbelle. It was a nice day, so I’m not sure why they were not out in the sun. 

I got to watch the donkey and goat herd go off into the pasture. I know they enjoy their life and that makes me happy. 

I cleaned out pig pens today. That is not glamorous, but it is necessary. Bacon bit was demanding my attention by biting at my pant leg. Darla rolled over for petting. The others just wanted to continue sunning. 

Gus got him some attention. Treat and Spam did, too. Those three were sure cozy in their shelter this afternoon. 

The farrier did come. I’m sure we have found our farrier. He is willing to work with us. We are working on a schedule for Noma to get her feet as normal as possible. She did well. I stayed in the house so I would not distract her. 

I laid down and Ursula cuddled with me. She is precious. 

Chloe is our chicken who spends the day with the horses and then comes in to roost in the evening. She might be the smallest chicken we have. She was on the roost watching the sheep as they ate. 

Noma was not too upset with me when I went out. I gave her treats and she took them from me. Her feet look better. They will continue to look better since we have someone who won’t give up on us like we have had in the past. 

I went in and gave the sheep love and attention. They are little love bugs. 

I let the sheep out of the pen. They were excited. Noma doesn’t seem to mind them, so that’s good. I don’t know how long Noma will be in the pen. I will have to see. Willow is sad without her. 

Noma did go into the back of the shelter to relax a bit after eating. The sheep went with her. 

Oreo and Ursula cuddled together while I was laying in bed reading. 

It was a productive day. 

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