Sunday, January 14, 2024


Mattie’s Mountain had a couple of visitors this weekend even though the weather was dreary. They seemed to have enjoyed their time here. One of them told me it was peaceful out here. I told her that was my prayer for this place, that everyone who came to Mattie’s Mountain would find peace while they were here. 

The animals seem to love visitors. They show off. Except Jeb. He was laying down. I had to assure the visitors he was okay. Before they left, he got up. I was glad they could see he was okay. 

The question was asked about Noma’s hooves. Yes, they are terrible. I cannot find another farrier to come work with her. Apparently because she is not friendly and has to be roped, no one wants to work that hard. Do you know how hard it is for us to not be able to find the help we need for these animals because someone doesn’t have to work that hard? We are trying to help others and sometimes we need help, too. It makes it harder for us at this time and not fair to the animals. I promise we are working on it. 

Mattie sure loved the extra attention. He even brayed at them when they walked away to show how dramatic he is sometimes. 
Noma let me love on her which is rare. I soaked it up. I did have to trick her with food though. Willow was jealous. I gave her attention also.

The cows are still eating their food and then eating what’s left of the donkeys. With the weather getting colder, the donkeys may end up fighting back. 

Oh Maggie. That’s all I can say. The time is coming near. 
Ronnie and I did go to dinner with some friends tonight. That’s always a nice getaway for a bit. As we were leaving, the sky was beautiful. 

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