Friday, January 19, 2024


Well, you guessed it. It’s cold again. High was in the 30s today. The wind was awful. 
I woke up to Ursula cuddled up so close to me. She doesn’t normally get that close. She must have been cold. 

I got home and wouldn’t you know, Chief and Jeb were both laying on the ground. Crazy horses. They scare me doing that, but when I said their names, they both looked up so I knew they were okay. 

The donkeys were all fighting and playing since the weather was cooler. 

Lucky did his nightly ritual of eating the chicken feed. He is so funny. 

The cows of course took the rest of the donkey feed. They do that every night. For the most part anyway. 

The horses took their feed trough to who knows where. I had to feed them on the ground which I hate to do, but Ronnie was not home and I did finally find it, but it was way down the field and it was too late. Saverine was smart and followed me back to Jeb’s bowl and ate what would have been his food. 

Onyx was trying to watch inside the shop while being on top of the pallet outside of the crate. She is so funny. I don’t know what she thought she was doing but she was concentrating hard. 

Ronnie bought me flowers tonight just because. He does love me. 

Persia is still not acting herself, but I can’t say she is any worse. She just does not act like she feels good. She is kinda acting like Bubba did when he started getting so sick. I hope that’s not the case. 

I almost forgot to mention our well house where we get water to feed some of the animals is not working since the water froze up. Go figure. 
And the water was already starting to freeze as I was out feeding and watering. Like I said, it was cold today. 

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