Friday, January 12, 2024


This morning sure looked like a winter morning. It was foggy and not too pretty. The horses did not seem to mind too much. They were all eating hay this morning, but you could barely see them because of the fog. 

When I came home, I noticed Porky and Buckwheat were all cuddled up together. It was cold outside. I now have proof they do love each other, at least in that moment. They came here together, so I know they do love each other. 

I came home earlier than the animals expected. The cows acted like I caught them doing something they were not supposed to or something. I mean, one was laying down in the sun and the other one was eating hay, but they looked shocked for some reason. 

As I pulled into the driveway, I saw Jeb laying down. I did my best not to panic. He does that, I know he does that. He likes to lay down. I tried to do some things in the house, but then I looked out the window and saw Chief standing near him. I decided I needed to go check or I was going to drive myself nuts. He only moved his ears as I got closer to the fence. I told Jeb he needed to get up and he acted like I was inconveniencing him by telling him to get up. He finally got to a sitting position and sat there. Chief came over and wanted me to pet on him and love on him. I was glad to. Chief does not come up for petting too often. Me giving Chief attention was the thing that finally got Jeb up and moving. He wanted attention also. 

As I was giving Chief attention, I started taking selfies. At one point, he turned and sniffed my face and then gave the Flehmen which makes him look like he is smiling. If you have never heard the Flehmen word, it is the word used to show the behavior in a horse, or donkey, where they extend their neck, raise their head, and inhales as the animal rolls its upper lip back while displaying the front teeth. You can thank Google for the definition. Anyway, the picture I took of that was the best selfie I have ever taken and it was by accident. 

As all this was going on, Willow came over for some attention. Takua immediately tried to run her away from the fence. Well, Jeb and then Chief decided to be kind to her. That was nice of them. She just wants to be a part of them, but they are not having it. 

Willow's wound is looking a little better. I wish I knew what had happened. It looks like it hurt for sure. I still do not understand how I missed it. I usually catch that stuff. 

I did get to see all the cats tonight. I do look for them to make sure they are still here. You never know around here. Luckily, they all seem content here, so they stay around. 

A rooster was trying to get Maggie's food. Maggie was not having it. The rooster did finally walk away.

There are so many chickens everywhere. It is chaos sometimes. They fight for food and for places to roost. It is just chaos with them most of the time. 

I did see my coop chickens, Rena and Annabeth, are not laying eggs in the laying boxes. I have not seen them do that before.

I noticed Melody is trying to stay in the shop now. I know at least one or more chickens find their way into the shop when the weather starts to get colder. I know it is warmer in there than it is outside.

Yeller has been staying in the crate in the shop also because of the cold. Again, I do not blame them at all. 

Onyx found a new hiding spot. It is not a good one. Ronnie left part of the grill opened and she was standing in the grill.

The sheep were rowdy tonight for their food. One of them even jumped up and tried to knock me over tonight. They are silly for sure.

The drama with the horse feed continues. Jeb tries to eat with the other horses, and they do not like it. I got Jeb to follow me back to his bowl. It took some coaxing though.

When I look out into the pasture and see one of the cats going across the pasture with all the animals, I always wonder what they are thinking. Do they think they are out in the middle of the safari or something? Obviously they are not, but it is a thought I have when I see a cat next to a donkey or a cow. 

Willow is still nursing. That is so crazy to me. It looks like we may have to put Noma in the pen when Mattie comes out to stop that. 

The pigs are as happy as can be. They normally are, especially at feeding time. 

I slipped the goats some hay I picked up on the ground tonight. They fought over it the whole time. 

I watched Bubba and Maggie tonight. They have been sticking together more lately. Neither of them are doing well at all, so I think they are having compassion to each other. It is sweet to see. 

I went outside to get something in the building out there and I was afraid I had locked Jelly in there when I left since I could not find him. Ronnie went to look for him. He did find him, but he also found Ann the chicken in the doghouse with probably 3 dozen eggs in there. I will have to clean those out and throw them away. Never a dull minute around here. 

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