Friday, January 19, 2024


The weather got up to 75 today but it was a windy dusty mess and there is another cold front coming in. It won’t be as bad as this last one. 
Waldo was trying to play with Willow when I got home. That always makes me laugh. 

Once looked like she was on chicken patrol tonight making sure everyone was behaving. That also makes me laugh. She is terrified of the chickens because they are mean. 

The crate in the shop where the chickens usually lay somehow got closed. They never lay in the other one, but I looked and they did today. 

The goats always eat before the cows, but today the cows were eyeing their feed. The weather change always messes them up.

These silly horses will not leave the feed trough alone. They keep taking it out of the frame. Then when it is time to eat, they act like it is a horrible thing they have dumped it over. Ronnie goes out and puts it back so they can be fed. 

Jeb loved on Ronnie when he was getting into the gate. That horse sure does love Ronnie. They have a bond. 

Willow wanted some attention tonight. She is doing this nipping thing when she wants attention and that is going to have to stop. But she is so cute. 

It looks like we have a new set of mean girls. Since Gloria died and Sally passed away last year, there are some new ones who have taken their spot on the fence. Lola, Esmorelda, and Selena. They look like mean girls. 

Persia is still acting weird. I have no idea what is going on with her. I’m hoping it’s a cold from the weather maybe. Bubba even noticed and he is not well at all. These guys are getting old. It makes me sad. 

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