Sunday, January 14, 2024


The temperatures dropped drastically and fast today. These animals are pretty smart. They know when the temps are dropping. I noticed most of the cats were in the shop. Melody was there also. One of the other chickens was in there also, but she left the shop when she saw me. 

The donkeys and goats were in the barn along with the chickens who roost over there. I was glad to see that. 

I added hay to the pig shelters just to make sure they would be okay. I know they do well, but I always make sure they can get under the straw for warmth. And honestly, I need the peace of mind. 

The cows and donkeys were in their shelter right after they ate. The sheep, the little goats, and the fainting goats did the same thing. Mattie stayed under his the whole time. 

I know we have so many chickens, but I know when I’m missing one. I could not find Gloria. She normally finds her way into the shop, but she has not done that yet this year. I looked everywhere for her and refused to give up until I found her. I did finally find her. She was in the shelter with Tinkerbelle and Cinderella. 

Ronnie did give the donkeys and goats hay in the barn tonight. That was good since they were not leaving the barn. 

The horses did decide to eat the hay. I am glad about that. At least they have something to eat the whole time through this cold spell. 

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