Sunday, January 14, 2024


It was a warmer day today. That’s nice since we know the cold weather is coming in. 
Lucky was running toward me like he was on a mission. He was on a mission, to eat the chicken feed. I do not know why I find that so funny, but I do, everyday. 

Maggie was up more tonight. That’s a good thing. She ate tonight also. She has been doing better with eating. 

Tinkerbelle decided to leave the pen like she does every once in a while. I just continued on and put their food in their bowls. She is a lot like me in that she goes slower when she is in a hurry. Poor girl was having difficulty with seizing up while she was trying to hurry. I don’t do that. 

Alex let me gone him some attention tonight. That has not been happening much lately. 

The horses all lined up to eat. They know when it’s time to eat. They are smart. 

I got to pet on Brutus tonight also. I sure do love that little pig. He has a special place in my heart for more reasons than one. 

I looked over and noticed the wind had almost completely shut the gate to the donkey/goat barn. I saw Pedro squeeze through the opening. I did go over and open it for them. 

Tinkerbelle was watching Lucky and yelling for him. He just watched her like he did not care at all. 

I did think to myself while I was watching the donkeys and cows that I was happy they were all where they were supposed to be. It was short lived. 

Mattie was mad at me tonight because I fed him last. He is normally fed first when Ronnie is home. He let me know he was upset about it. 

It sure was a pretty evening. I saw the donkeys way out in the pasture in the sunset. 

I also watched Waldo and Buckwheat loving on Willow and she was allowing it. That doesn’t happen often either. 

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