Monday, January 15, 2024


It’s still cold. When I let the dogs out this morning it was 9 degrees. The high hit around 3 pm and that was 30 degrees. Ronnie is still working nights. He did feed and work on the water situation for the animals when he got home. 
I did notice 2 roosters last night up in the tree. I’m not sure why they thought that was a good idea, but they were up there blowing in the wind. I don’t understand. When I went out this morning, I saw them and they were okay. I had prayed for them and they were a little frostbitten, but alive. 

Ronnie sent me a text in the middle of the day saying he was glad I wasn’t home because there were 4 horses down on the ground enjoying the sun. Yeah, I’m glad I wasn’t home, too. That freaks me out. 

The animals are all hanging in there, except Gloria. I expect her to pass away anytime. She was in the corner away from the other chickens except May. I picked up Gloria and took her somewhere warmer, but I do not expect her to make it. Poor girl is looking rough. 

The cats were all hanging out in the shop. They are smart. 

Animals can be resilient for sure. The animals know how to get water when they want it. It was an interesting thing to watch. 

It finally happened. The neighbors put up a windmill. It is right in my sunset view. It broke my heart. Time to move. lol. 

We made it through another day with the cold and the animals did also. 

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