Friday, January 12, 2024


It was another foggy morning, but the sun was coming out. The horses were in the middle of the fog eating the rest of the hay they had. 

Noma let me pet her today. She seemed to enjoy it for a while and then she changed her mind. I respect that since I do not want to be kicked. That hurts. Willow was jealous, so I had to pet on her, too. Noma does not let me pet her often, so I take it all in when I can. 

Tinkerbelle came out of the pen today. She has not done that lately, but she did today. I was actually glad to see that. 

Mattie was wanting some petting today also, so I gave him some petting. 

Jeb followed me again back to his bowl tonight. That is such a fight. And then he slings the feed out of the bowl. I do not understand. 

You can tell Maggie is feeling worse. She is eating more and she has been getting up more on her own. 

Ronnie put out a new bale of hay for the horses. It was funny. The tractor looked like it was chasing the chickens and the cows were chasing the hay bale. The horses were grateful for the new hay bale.

One of the pig pens needed new straw because of the cold. Those pigs went wild for it. I let them spread it out themselves and all 6 of them helped. I got to pet everyone of them tonight. That makes me happy. 

The donkeys were being nosey and wanted to know what I was doing in the pig pen. Apparently they were unimpressed and walked away. 

Ronnie was doing some work outside tonight and it involved loud noises. Willow was trying to take comfort with the other donkeys. The goats all went into their shelters. The cows were trying to watch and the sheep stayed in the back of their shelter. Yeller even got into the tree with the chickens. It was loud, but that behavior was excessive. 

Bubba fell off the back of the couch tonight. That was loud also. I checked on him though and he was fine. 

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