Friday, January 12, 2024


It was a cold and rainy day today. That will make for a long sleepy day. Ronnie worked late tonight, so I did the chores outside as quickly as possible because it was so cold and rainy. 

When I started doing the chores, Athena and Onyx were up in the hay staying dry and warm. You can say what you want about cats, but they are smart. Yeller is still staying in the crate. It is warm in there. Melody was still in the shop also. 

Lola the sassy chicken still looks sassy when she is not looking at you or if she is sideways looking at you. It is hilarious. 

The donkeys were waiting for some chicken feed. I mean standing by the fencing and not wanting to move out of the way so I could even get in there. They ate the chicken feed. They are something. 

When a chicken is cold, they puff up like a blowfish. It is an interesting thing to see. 

I sure did feel and look like winter today. It looks pretty, but it is cold, and I am not a fan. 

It started raining and the little goats. Porky and Buckwheat, got into the shelter quickly. They do not like getting wet. Waldo took advantage and ate the rest of the food while the other two were under cover. 

Mattie is spoiled. I had to feed him under his shelter. He was not about to get wet either. 

The cows are still stealing feed from the donkeys. It's like they are never full. 

Yeller came out to eat and stayed under the blanket while he did. That was funny to watch. 

It looks like the rooster who has been up in the tree with the hens has decided he is the leader in that little group. The hens are sticking close to him at this point. 

The sheep were cute peeking out of the fence to see what I was doing. They are sure something. 

The pigs are still doing fine in the rain. They waited until I got close to come out of the shelters though. They are not dumb. 

I had to go back into the donkey and goat pasture later during the chores and they all came running and then they followed me to see what I was doing. They are something to see. 

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