Sunday, January 14, 2024


It was cold this morning, but this afternoon wasn’t as bad. I know the cold is coming though. It will be here for at least a few days next week. I have been watching the weather. 
Ronnie worked late tonight, so I fed and watered. I find it therapeutic as long as it’s not freezing cold or scalding hot out. It takes me longer, but I like to hang out with them for a bit. 
I find it so funny when the chickens don’t mind surrounding the dogs and the cats. It cracks me up. The chickens are not scared at all. 

The donkeys were loving life out of the range. 

Jasper and I were in a stand off. Jasper was wanting to eat the donkey feed before he ate his own food. I ran him off more than once and then Alex, too. Jasper wanted to stand there looking defiant but he finally went back to his food and ate that instead of dealing with me. Willow and Noma got to eat. 

Jeb refused to eat his food. He was determined to eat with the other horses and that is what he did. I just had to shake my head. There was no amount of coaxing him to his food tonight. They seemed to get along better about it tonight. 

I fed the pigs last and they were starting to wonder if they were going to get any food. Obviously I was not going to forget them. 

Willow’s wound is healing up nicely. I think Ronnie figured out she probably slipped on the wooden trough they are eating out of when the cows were trying to get their food. 

Cinderella’s little personality is starting show. She likes to play with the cats. It’s cute to watch them. 

Jelly is staying on top of hay bales often for some reason. It’s funny to see him up there. 

Spam did let me give her a belly rub tonight. I haven’t done that lately. 

Jeb and Takua decided to help Chief eat the rest of his food. Boys will be boys. The girls were over eating the hay without them. 

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