Monday, January 29, 2024


Today is the full moon. Full moon nights, anything can happen. None of the animals are themselves and they just go nuts. That’s the only way I know to describe it. 
Maggie has been having to be coaxed into the back yard since her eyesight is getting so bad. Today she acted like she had never been back there before. 

Lola was giving me a stink eye if I had ever seen one. She is one sassy chicken. She is so beautiful though and reminds me so much of Sally who passed away last year. 

Onyx was watching the chickens eat and somehow ended up in the middle of them. Sometimes I wish I knew what these animals are thinking. 

The little goats decided they would all eat together tonight. They never do that anymore. They did change their mind not long after they started eating. 

Noma and Willow were still mad about being separated. They were interacting through the fence. 

Jelly was sitting up on some stuff in the shop. He never sits there. 

Mattie didn’t seem too happy about anything. I don’t know how else to put it. He was just restless and wanted to go back and forth in the pen. 

Willow allowed a chicken to share her food with her. She usually head butts them away.

Noma let me love on her through the fencing for a long time. As long as there is a barrier between us, she enjoys petting and being loved on. I was so surprised. I sure did pet on her. It made me happy. 

Daisy was out there eating dirt. I mean, what is going on here? Sure, she digs, but doesn’t eat the dirt. She did today. 

The horses ate out of order. Jeb got Chief’s spot, the other 3 ate in the feed trough, and Chief ate in Jeb’s bowl. 

I noticed one of the roosters who I have not named running around and poor guy really has some frostbite from the cold spell. I just wanted a picture and he was running around like I was trying to hurt him. 

The cats acted like they were hiding from each other, but were all in the same area. 

Jasper was trying to scratch on Mattie’s pen. I thought for a moment he was trying to break him out, but he was just scratching an itch. 

Gus was literally trying to climb the fence for his food. He would climb up and back down and then back up again. I had to laugh about that. 

The mud hole suddenly was gone in the other pen. It dried up quickly. 

I called Melody’s name this evening in the shop and she looked at me. That made me laugh, too. 

Maggie laid down and refused to get up. She just wanted some peace. The other dogs would not give that to her. 

Waldo was trying to be taller while standing up on the feed trough. He was not much taller. 

The clouds were outrageous tonight. 

Willow’s leg has healed well. 

Willow let me love on her tonight, but with her that’s almost every night. She is mad at me though for the separation from Noma, so she was more cautious. 

I got to pet on the pigs tonight. Russ even came over to me to be petted. He normally does not want any of that attention. It made my night though. 

And Athena was on top of one of the barns to end the evening. Such a crazy cat. 

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