Tuesday, January 16, 2024


I woke up this morning to us not having water. I know my husband was less than thrilled since he worked all night. I did leave one of the faucets running, but with the wind chill it was -4 outside. I knew it would be okay. It was back on by the time I got home from work thanks to my husband. 
The roosters were still up in the tree last night, so I needed to check on them. They were still in the tree and they were okay. I was surprised for some reason. I mean it was cold. They do have frostbite. 

Pedro paid attention to me today. Probable because I had chicken feed. The donkeys sure are fluffy with this cold weather. I love it. 

I did notice the donkeys back in the barn, but the goats were in the pasture which made no sense to me, but whatever. They were doing fine and that’s what I cared about. 

The pigs were ready to eat. 

All the water has been frozen outside for days, so Ronnie has been getting 5 gallon buckets and filling them up in the bathtub. He got some gallon jugs today to give to the smaller water troughs. He built fires around the other troughs and melted the water. It was controlled and it worked. 

Gloria did pass away. I knew she was going to. It doesn’t hurt any less, but I expected it. 

The other animals seem to be doing well with all this cold weather. 

I did go over and give my coop chickens some water and they were happy about that. 

Yeller was thrilled about the water I filled up in the shop. He did not even bother getting all the way out of the crate to get some. 

The dogs are happy to live in the house. I’m happy they are here also. 

I am glad this mess will be over tomorrow, until next time. 

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