Wednesday, January 17, 2024


It was cold this morning but it was 58 this afternoon. Oh I’m so grateful and I know the animals are, too. 
Persia started acting sick yesterday with no breathing like she should. I’m hoping it’s like a winter cold. Poor girl is getting up there in years. It makes me sad. My original 4 animals all turned 14 this year and none of them are doing well. They have had great lives though. It’s depressing watching them all decline and at the same time. It’s just terrible. 

One of those roosters that was living up in the tree during this cold spell has a lot of frostbite. It looks rough. 

Cinderella is really starting to show some personality. It’s so cute. She was playing with the chickens tonight. It was funny to watch her. 

Noma let me get close to her, but not too close. That’s normal around here. 

The donkeys and cows got a new hay bale. They were excited about that. 

The donkeys are still staying close to the barn at sunset. I’m sure they know somehow that it will be cold again tonight. Not as bad, but still cold. 

The animals all made it through. I’m so glad. I’m also glad the cold temps are over for now. 

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