Wednesday, January 3, 2024


When Ronnie went to let the dogs in this morning, Maggie could not get up, so as he tells the story, Daisy went back for her and stayed with her until he came back to get Maggie. How sweet is that?

The donkeys were all waiting when we both got home, for what who knows, but there they were. I got to spend some time with them and love on them. I sure do love having them here. 

Maggie had difficulty with getting down the steps this evening. When she sat down to rest, Onyx came over to check on her. It’s like the animals know she is not okay. 

I had to throw the chicken feed in the barn in the donkey pasture so the actual chickens would get some. That’s ridiculous, but I will do it if that’s what I need to do. 

We now have a rooster roosting in the tree with the hens. I still find that funny. When you look up in a tree, you don’t suspect you will see chickens and a rooster. Well, around here you will.

Oh the horses would not go to their own feeding spot today, so the three big horses were eating out of one bowl. Takua finally went on down to where he was supposed to be, even if Jeb was down there and was not supposed to be. 

Ronnie went down to watch Jeb and Takua so Jeb wasn’t being such a jerk. I still cannot get over how much bigger Takua is than Jeb. 

Mattie is spoiled as ever. It’s about time to get him out of the pen. That will be interesting. 

The cows were play fighting and I could not stop laughing. They are so funny to watch. 

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