Monday, January 22, 2024


It was cold and rainy. Just not a pretty day. The sheep had to go into the back of the pen which Ronnie was able to do. Then I had treats for Noma and Willow to be coaxed into the pen. I tried to get Willow out of there, but it was not happening. She was not leaving her momma. Noma had an appointment to get her feet done, but it was cancelled due to the weather. I hope it can be rescheduled. I haven’t heard a day or time yet, but the farrier said he would get back with me. The sheep aren’t happy about it, but it won’t be for long. 

I gave the goats some treats as I was going to put up the bag. They were happy about that. 

Athena and Yeller got into a fight. It was not good. I have no idea what happened. Ronnie had to throw something at them to make them stop fighting. Later I went into the shop and Athena was in the crate and Yeller was in the corner of the shop curled up. They were both pouting. They will be fine though. I have not seen them do that, ever. 

Mattie was sure raising a fuss because I did not give him any treats. I tried to make amends with him, but he was not having that either. I had to drop the treats in the bucket. He did eat them, but not with me standing there. 

The cows were trying to get Noma and Willow’s food like they normally do, but since they are in the pen, they were able to eat all their feed. 

I like to watch the donkeys and goats coming in from the pasture. It warms my heart every single day. 

Persia seems a little better today. She just seems uncomfortable. Bubba is doing about the same. 

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