Sunday, January 14, 2024


Ronnie is working nights for the next few days because of the cold weather. He was not home when I got up, so I got out my winter gear and headed out to feed the animals in 11 degree weather. Yuck is all I have to say. I also will say that if I could bring them all in, I would, but my house isn’t big enough. I will also say, Ronnie and I have spent thousands of dollars since moving here to make sure they all have shelter. We have made sure they can get out of the wind. 
The animals were all still in their shelters staying as warm as they could. I fed them all and went back in the house. The water is all frozen, but Ronnie got home not long after that and busted up all the water. 
Ronnie had to go back to work before feeding time, so he checked water and went to work. I went out to feed not long after that and all the water was frozen again, but with a high of 26 today, that is to be expected. 
The animals all ate and went back in their shelters. I don’t blame them. I hurried with feeding so I could come back in. I worry about them, but I have prayed over them and that’s all I can do. 
I have one chicken I may lose in this cold. She was acting sick before the cold and she did not look good this evening. She is an old girl. I hate to lose Gloria, but it’s not looking good. Everyone else is looking good. 

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