Sunday, January 14, 2024


There is some cold weather coming in. You can see it in the clouds. I noticed the clouds behind the donkeys this morning. I look over and see the horses all grazing on the other side of the property and it’s looking a little rough over there also. I know it’s coming. 

When leaving work, the wind was blowing about 45 mph. That’s rough. Luckily, Ronnie was home when I got home so we went out together and fed as fast as we could, not only for us but for them also. They all like to get in the shelters and stay warm when it’s cold and windy like that. None of them really like the wind. It looked like a bit of a dust storm also. It was not pleasant, but that’s okay. 

Maggie hates the wind. I mean really hates it. She is weak enough and the wind literally knocked her down. It didn’t stop her though. She ran up the stairs after she ate. She was over being out in the wind. Me, too, Maggie.

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