Monday, January 29, 2024


It was another rainy looking morning. It was not too pretty. The horses were still out there eating their hay. 

Persia still isn’t feeling too well. I found her backed into a box just watching what was going on around her.

When I got home, Persia and Bubba, were ready for their wet cat food. Persia didn’t eat too much, but she ate something so that’s good. 

It was definitely rainy and cold when I went out to feed the farm. The outside cats were hanging out on the hay bale under the carport to stay out of the weather. They all went in to eat when I went into the shop. Athena even tolerated me petting her. 

Ronnie wasn’t home to help feed, so Jeb refused to go eat in his bowl, he ate with the other horses. Those other horses were not happy about it. They never are. 

That windmill is still in my way, but looking at it tonight, you could tell how cloudy and foggy it was. 

I saw Noma tolerating a chicken on her back tonight. I have not witnessed that before. 

I coaxed Willow out of the pen so Noma could have some time to herself. The sheep are still penned up in the back of the shelter. I hated to separate Willow and Noma, but Noma has a hoof appointment coming up and Willow needs to be weaned. They can still see each other. Neither of them are happy. I do hate to watch it, but it’s necessary. They will get over it. It might take some time, but they will get over it. 

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