Sunday, January 14, 2024


Ronnie worked outside today while I quilting. I am working on so many projects lately. My hand is feeling it for sure. Persia likes to be up in the middle of it also. 

It was so windy today which makes it colder than it should be. Maggie hates the wind so much. Her and Pepper got to hang out in the house. Them being in the house is more normal than them not being in the house. They are old and just need to be laying down somewhere. 

The cats were all in the shop staying out of the wind. They don’t like it any better than Maggie. At least they have somewhere to go to get out of the wind and the cold. 

The coop chickens do not know how well they have it. They may be locked in a coop, but they have their own crate with hay in it to stay warm. The rest of the chickens have to fend for themselves 

It was really windy, the animals were all a little feisty. I don’t blame them though. The wind makes me feisty, too. I don’t like it any more than they do. 

Ronnie was working on getting rid of some limbs and stuff today. He found another pile of eggs I had to throw away. Who knows how long those 29 eggs were there. It looked like quite a while. I was not going to take the chance. Onyx sure did like climbing over all the limbs. 

Ronnie kicked Melody out of the shop and she was mad about it. Then the roosters started chasing her. 

Later, I let the dogs out for the last time of the night. The wind was going 40 mph and I look up and those tree chickens were still roosting up there and the ones who were in the bush were up there since the dead bush was cut down over the weekend. They all looked miserable but once they find a spot, they stay there. 

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