Thursday, February 8, 2024


Maggie had a great day today. She is getting up better and moving around more. I was in shock, but I’m so happy to see it. 

All the cats were in the shop today which means they all made it back safely. I am always glad to see that. 

Rojo is still the most beautiful rooster I have ever seen. His coloring is amazing. I guess that’s what you get when these chickens are hatched on the farm. 

The horses all lined up for food. They seemed to be waiting patiently tonight, well, for a minute. 

The sheep just wanted their food. They wanted it right when they wanted it and they moved me out of the way to get it. 

Noma was yelling at me for food this evening. It looks like all of these animals were extra hungry tonight. Noma let me pet her tonight, more than once. I would say that is progress. 
The sheep eat so quickly and then they watch Noma and Willow eat and act jealous. 

Willow and Noma allowed May to eat with them. 

Yeller decided to crawl into another crate which was funny. I’m not sure what he was thinking. 

I ended up holding onto Jeb’s bowl for a while so he would stop slinging his food. I wish I knew why he did that. 

I gave the sheep some extra attention today. They sure do love that. 

Maggie really did do better today. She was so happy today. Pepper followed behind Maggie the whole time. 

The goats and donkeys all came to the fence. Ned gave me a huge smile and Pete let me pet him. The other donkeys did not even attempt to give me attention. 

It sure was a beautiful evening around here. 

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