Sunday, February 18, 2024


It definitely got cold out. The horses were eating to get warm. They stayed by the hay bale most of the day. 

The sheep stayed in the sun to stay warm all day. 

We have a sweet visitor on the farm this weekend. That is always fun. 
Lola is laying her eggs in the shop now and so is snowflake. I saw both of them in there today. 

Yeller stayed in the shop today because of the cold. 

This has been one of the most stressful weeks we have had in a long time. Jeb knew I was struggling and gave me some love to show he knew and he cared. They just know. 

I had to give Jelly some worming meds tonight. He was already mad and now he is even more mad. He ran off. He came back but I knew he was mad. 

There was some fun on the tractor this evening. So cute. 

The pigs all lined up for food. They have such cute faces. 

Bacon bit gave me a toothy grin. That made my heart happy. 

I didn’t mean to scare Lola but I did and Yeller was blocking her exit. It was quite chaotic there for a while. 

It was cold enough that hay was given to the pasture donkeys and goats. They were happy about that. 

Pedro and Carlos were eating off the same fleck of hay. It was quite a sweet thing to witness. 

One of the sheep was scared and completely froze for a full minute. It was so funny. 

The dogs were next to the fence by the donkeys and the donkeys were interested in them. 

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